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Project Summary

The Kerrs Creek project will supply energy to the National Electricity Market (NEM) through generating electricity with wind power.

Here are some key features of the project:

  • Wind turbines, with associated hardstands and access roads.
  • Overhead and underground electrical cable reticulation to connect the turbines back to the substation.
  • Operations and maintenance building with associated car parking.
  • An electrical substation and switching station.
  • Meteorological masts for measuring wind speed and other climatic conditions.
  • Temporary construction facilities including a construction compound, borrow pit and concrete batching plant facilities.

The design will be shaped by a number of detailed technical, engineering and environmental studies and assessments, which include:

  • Cultural heritage;
  • Ecology;
  • Landscape and visual;
  • Noise;
  • Bushfire risk;
  • Shadow flicker and blade glint;
  • Electromagnetic interference studies including TV & radio reception;
  • Aviation;
  • Access and transport;
  • Geology and hydrology; and
  • Socio-economic.

RES values community engagement and it is integral to the Kerr's Creek project. We will be consulting with the local community and a wide number of stakeholders to provide information on the project, and to seek valuable input into the final design. Consultation activities may include:

  • Community information days;
  • Project displays;
  • Newsletters; and
  • One on one meetings.

RES seeks to partner with and support the local community wherever possible. Most of the consultants undertaking these studies are based in New South Wales and all have extensive experience in renewable energy development.

We are consulting with a wide range of relevant Local Government, State and Federal Authorities, as well as local businesses, community groups and other interested parties.

Upcoming community engagement events will be advertised on this website on the News page, circulated by mail drop and / or advertised in local media.